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  • 2022-04-12
    These would be perfect if the bag they came in wasn’t open on the corners leaving it possible for everything to come sliding out when you’re carrying them around. The utensils themselves are fine, standard stuff. Nice color choices so everyone can have a set and know whose is whose.
  • 2022-04-03
    Comenzamos!Estamos ante el clásico set para servir postres, aunque más concretamente para poder cortar tartas o bizcochos de una manera fácil, cómoda, rápida y porque no decirlo, incluso elegante. La presentación es simple pero correcta, una caja de cartón rectangular de prácticamente el mismo tamaño que uno de los utensilios, viene decorada con una imagen de una tarta por ambas caras, el nombre del producto y varias referencias al mismo, también tenemos en los laterales informan sobre la compañia exportadora, pero ni rastro del fabricante, ni siquiera un logotipo.Ya dentro encontramos; una paleta con forma de hoja o pica, no es la habitual recta por lo tanto da algo de elegancia al set, esta fabricada en acero inoxidable, toda de una única pieza y con un brillo bastante bueno aunque no en exceso, básicamente diría que es sutil, la medida completa de la misma incluyendo el mango es de aproximádamente 26 centímetros aunque la superficie de la misma es menor, siendo de unos 12 x 6 en su parte más ancha.También tenemos un cuchillo, este es del mismo material descrito anteriormente, aunque tengo que decir que existen varios tipos de acero y el fabricante no especifica cual es, esto simplemente lo indico porque dependiendo cual hayan usado tendrá una mayor resistencia contra la corrosión. Cabe destacar que es un utensilio largo y estilizado, con cierta curvatura en la zona superior de la hoja para facilitar los cortes, por otra parte mide 33 cm aproximádamente en total, aunque la zona de corte son 17,5 la cual posee además sierra en el filo para mayor precisión y no aplastar la tarta que vayamos a cortar.* Nos indican que el material empleado es libre de BPA, cadmio, plomo o pftalatos, por lo tanto no contiene nada controvertido o perjudicial, además es apto para el lavavajillas, aunque siendo tan simple de limpiar, yo lo haría a mano, evitaremos el deslustre o marcas de cal si no los secamos.Conclusión: El producto es práctico, tiene una forma bonita y cumple perfectamente su cometido, el problema es que en mi caso los dos utensilios presentan ciertos arañazos, incluso algo así como picotazos en la parte trasera de la paleta, por lo cual me da la sensación de que no han pasado un control de calidad muy estricto al respecto, además imagino que el tipo de inox empleado no es el mejor y puede que con el tiempo presente más marcas o rayajos en su superficie. Por otra parte, el mango del cuchillo se antoja quizás demasiado fino y por último y no menos importante, las huellas se quedan marcadas con mucha facilidad, a mi no me importa demasiado, ya que su cometido va a ser simplemente el de servir porciones de tarta, mancharse y posteriormente lavar el set.
  • 2022-03-28
    bri Rbri R
    Had spotted many imperfections like small dents and marks. It appears to leave stains after wash. Found a scratch mark on the on the side. Not pleased with the packaging either. Aside from that , its only pro is the cute simple design.
  • 2022-03-01
    Lucone (recen_sire)Lucone (recen_sire)
    Semplici, quindi funzionali. Coltello con affilatura leggermente dentellata monolaterale, dalla foggia a sciabola, lunga e stretta.paletta dal classico taglio a foglia. Entrambi a pezzo unico, senza scalini, molto puliti e moderni nel design.Fanno il loro lavoro, ma arrivano in un imballo dozzinale e, nel mio caso, la finitura lucida presentava tanti piccoli graffietti e la paletta aveva un graffio profondo e importante, visibilissimo anche senza prestare troppe attenzioni.Visto il prezzo avrei anche dato 4 stelle se il kit fosse arrivato senza difetti, ma così non vado oltre la sufficienza.
  • 2022-02-11
    Raúl Isidro Meraz Alemán
    Se les cae la pintura con el uso, y no me parecio que fuera algo bueno, por lo cual decidi dejar de usarlos.
  • 2022-01-24
    A C Moore
    Utensils great, case not so it's fabric the items won't stay put.
  • 2022-01-04
    The case is not the one pictured. It is not very sturdy and it is not long enough easily fit the contents.
  • 2021-12-20
    Pilar García
    Es muy completo el Set, pero no me gustó el empaque, ya que el material se ensucia con facilidad y no es fácil de limpiar, deberían de cambiar ese pequeño detalle y quedaría perfecto para usar o regalar.
  • 2021-11-10
    The materials Itself was sturdy silverware. It comes with a travel bag but is just a square of material to roll up and tie. The utensils are standard kitchen size. I could create the same out of my kitchen drawer. It does come with a reusable straw and brush for cleaning. This could be considered a travel kit but I was looking for something a bit more compact. Overall, if.you are looking for standard silverware that doesn't come out of your kitchen stock, this would be just fine. If you are looking for more travel friendly and compact, this is not a good choice.
  • 2021-10-07
    Great utensils they work great. I don’t know exactly what to do about the little bag storage they come in though as far as cleaning. It doesn’t feel very sanitary putting used utensils in that cloth carrier bag. I wish it was more sanitary.
  • 2021-08-29
    Azul Rangel
    I ordered this item for my lunch box and was very excited to receive it. Yesterday as I opened it I noticed that the case is made of cheap felt material and my chopsticks were damaged. I really will not be using them as much so I just took them out. They are very cute but the case is useless for me. I bought a little plastic container to keep them in.
  • 2021-07-13
    Josie 6218
    They were light ,great for camping or outdoors for the day but wish it came with more than one of each utensil
  • 2021-06-29
    Sonserae Golidy
    The leather strap on the case is crumbling and there was a chopstick missing. I did get a replacement but being honest.
  • 2021-06-18
    I didn't realize just how big these were. Probably gonna send them back. The color is amazing but the size and shape are too gawky for me. The case is cheaply made. Reminds me of the pencil cases we would make in art class in elementary school that we tied with string.
  • 2021-06-01
    The only issue I have with this set is for those novice chopstick users, if you are accustomed to using wooden chopsticks, you may find the stainless steel ones included in this set more difficult to use.
  • 2021-05-14
    Michael Roach
    My only complaint: I wish the inside had sleeves or something to hold each of the items in place. When I open the bag, some of the utensils will spill out because nothing is holding them to the bag.
  • 2021-05-02
    Mike Nicolosi
  • 2021-04-30
    Winnie Z.
    Very basic silverware and that was exactly what I was looking for. I really hate the pouch(?) it comes in though, the material feels terrible. The fork isn't sharp enough at the tip.
  • 2021-04-29
    Silverware was very nice, I just didn’t like the holding case at all, it looks very cheap
  • 2021-03-25
    The utensils were solid. I didn’t like the carrying case. It is made of a thick cloth material and fastens with a wrap string. I do not believe it will hold up overtime with the weight of the utensils and daily wear and tear from travel.
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