Write a Review
  • 2021-12-27
    Cora Dulles
    I love these chopsticks, but I don't feel like they are durable enough and I feel like they are easier to break than the stainless ones because they are lighter.
  • 2021-11-07
    Brook Kelsen
    The chopsticks are thinner than any I've ever used, I think thicker ones work better, it's not suitable for my big hands, but my wife likes them so I didn't return them.
  • 2021-09-19
    Lucien Hosea
    The two chopsticks are not the same length, and one side is a little longer. Although it does not affect eating, I still hope to get a pair of chopsticks that are exactly the same.
  • 2021-09-02
    Irma Gus
    These are not slippery enough and when I use them to make dough because they have a rough surface, the dough will stick.